An IVC filter is a medical device that is inserted into the inferior vena cava, which is a large vein that carries deoxygenated blood into the heart, in order to catch and prevent blood clots from reaching the lungs. Oftentimes, patients who are at risk for pulmonary embolisms, which are blood clots present in the lungs, have the device placed if anticoagulant therapy in the form of blood thinners proves ineffective or cannot be used.
Since 1979, when the FDA originally approved its use in preventing blood clot migration, doctors have recommended IVC filters for patients who have sustained serious injuries or recently endured surgery. The following cases are situations in which a doctor may recommend IVC filter insertion in a patient: car accidents, gunshot or stab wounds, dialysis treatment, cancer diagnosis and/or treatment, spinal cord injuries, serious falls, voluntary or emergency surgeries, individuals who are immobile, and mothers who just gave birth. In these cases, a blood thinner may instigate uncontrolled bleeding; therefore, the use of IVC filters is introduced as an alternative.
Unfortunately, the FDA concluded from several different studies that IVC filters present dangers to patients using the product. In 2010 and again in 2014, the FDA issued safety alerts citing product complications including device migration; filter perforation; filter fracture; and device embolization, which means that the device’s components have detached from the point of insertion.
Side effects endured by patients using the IVC filters are numerous.
When the presence of an IVC filter causes serious injuries and other severe complications due to a product defect, we urge you to contact our Philadelphia defective medical device lawyers. At Brookman, Rosenberg, Brown & Sandler, we will review the details of your case and pursue the compensation you deserve for your injuries. Call us today at 215-569-4000 or 800-369-0899 or contact us online for a confidential consultation.